Artemis tilbyder laserbehandling. Tidligere var laserbehandling ikke så virksomt, idet de lasere vi havde mulighed for at købe ikke havde den rette styrke. Vi har en K-laser fra firmaet Eickemeyer. Den er programmeret til dyr, og kan indstilles til den sygdomstilstand, man ønsker at behandle.
Laserterapi gør brug af bestemte bølgelængder af lys, der bl.a. øger blodcirkulationen til et område, som dermed øger ilttilførslen og cellernes sundhed.
Få en snak med dyrlægerne om laserbehandling; måske er der en mulighed for hjælp. Det er væsentligt at nævne, at laserbehandling er fuldstændig smertefrit for dit dyr.Vi har set gode resultater med kronisk øregangsbetændelse, mundbetændelse både på katte og hunde, rygsmerter og hoftesmerter hos de ældre hunde, kronisk inficerede sår og meget mere.
BBDs fortælling af Julia Standbrock, klient på Artemis:
“Case study of infra-red laser treatment at Artemis dyreklinkken, Hellerup on BBD, a chocolate Labrador who is 14 and has arthritis in her hip and should joints.
BBD (Big Brown Dog) has had arthritis for 6 years. About 4 years ago we started her on pain killers as the pain was starting to have an impact on her quality of life. They worked well and she was eager to go out for her daily walks.
As BBD’s owner, I am very open to complementary treatments and don’t believe that western science is the only answer. BBD has been given, from Artemis, Chinese herbs to help her arthritis for some years and she has had regular Acupuncture and Homeopathic remedies all her life.
Even with all these treatments as BBD reached 13 she was clearly starting to find walking uncomfortable and she did not really want to go at all – it was enough for her to just into the garden to do her toilet and lie down for a while. She could no longer get up and down stairs and she was slipping on our wooden floors.
This was not much of a life for BBD who has always been an active and fun loving dog. Lise and Kristine at Artemis suggested that she may have good results with the infra-red laser and in the first week BBD had 3 treatments.
She seemed to get worse after the first treatment; however I have seen, many times, in complementary treatments that symptoms can temporarily get worse before they get better, so I was not too worried. We carried on and after the 2nd treatment BBD appeared a little better. By the 3rd treatment it was obvious to all of us that BBD was improving.
BBD has been having one treatment a week since then and she is clearly enjoying life again. She can get up and down stairs again (with a little help) and rarely slips on the wooden floors anymore. Best of all, she is loving her walks! Occasionally she even surprises me and has little play with other dogs. When she is in the mood she walks all the way round Emdrup Sø, the lake opposite our house, which she hadn’t done for over 12 months. Since her infra-red treatment started there is no stopping her, just like when she was younger.
How do we know that it is the infra-red treatment that is making her life so good again? It’s easy, when I couldn’t get her to her treatment, she took a little dip. As soon as she had been for her treatment again she was back on track again!”