Our motivation is the love of animals!
To leave your pet with a veterinarian is a matter of trust. Trusting that the animal gets the right treatment and being met with love and respect.
A high level of expertise and the joy of working with animals will meet you the second you walk in the door at Artemis. Whether it’s a vaccination, a sprain or an extensive surgery you and your pet will be in safe hands
Health check
Artemis performs a complete health check of your pet.t Teeth, ears, fur coat, paws, heart and lungs are checked as well as other current issues or concerns.
We are happy to have a talk about the behavior of the animal, since the behavior often reflects its health condition. A talk about nutrition and correct feeding is an important part of the annual health check.
We recommend an annually health check.
Vaccination of the adult dog
During the annual health check, we also look at the vaccination status.
In Denmark we vaccinate against the following diseases: Canine distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus , parainfluenza and leptospirosis.
The vet will talk to the owner and adjust the vaccination to fit each dogs needs.
The vaccination is compiled by the different disease components, and there can be many different combinations.
The duration of the different vaccination components varies between one to several years.
The puppy vaccination
Must be done two times with a full vaccination. It must take place when the puppy is between 6 and 16 weeks old.
Some puppies first get vaccination against canine distemper and parvovirus. Later they still need the two full vaccinations.
What do we vaccinate against and how often?
- Canine distemper (distemper, D): every 3 years.
- Parvovirus (P): Every 3 years
- Hepatitis (H): Every 3 years
- Influenza (parainfluenza, Pi): Every year
- Leptospirosis: Every year (Is your dog covered against leptospirosis? Read more here
- BbPi(kennel cough vaccine: parainfluenza virus. Pi and the bacteria Bordetella Bb): Annually.
About parainfluenza/canine infectious tracheobronchitis vaccination BbPi:
“Kennel cough” covers a number of viruses, which are often complicated by the infection with the Bordetella bronchoseptia. There is a vaccine that protects the dog against the most common form of influenza seen in when a dog has kennel cough (caused by canine parainfluenzavirus-2) but also covers against the Bordetella bacteria.
The kennel cough vaccination can be justified in some cases. It´s often a requirement at the boarding kennels. Still, there is no guaranty the dog never will get kennel cough due to the many virus stems giving the illness. The vaccine is given as a drop in the nose.
Some dogs gets sick from the vaccine. Therefore we always asses if the vaccine in needed or not.
The kennel cough part Pi is as well in the regular vaccine.
The cat’s vaccination
The cat’s annual health check is also followed by a vaccination.
Kittens must get vaccinated twice before the age of 6 months.
The cat gets vaccinated against feline distemper (parvovirus) and feline influenza (herpes and feline calicivirus).
The vaccines come in a package, which is why we vaccinate against both annually.
We recommend vaccination of both indoor- and outdoor cats. An indoor cat can still get exposed to infection from humans and other animals in its home.
Travels with pets
Read more at www.fvst.dkif you will take your pet abroad. Each country has its own rules for bringing an animal into its country.
Pet passport
If you will bring your pet abroad, then it needs a pet passport. You get the passport at your veterinarian.
Vaccination against rabies
All countries require that both cats and dogs have a vaccination against rabies before entering the country.
Vaccinations can’t be given before the animal is at least 12 weeks. The vaccine is in function 21 days after the vaccination date. It means you can’t travel before 3 weeks after the rabies vaccination.
Going south?
If you bring your dog to the south on holiday, then it’s recommended to have it vaccinated against Leishmaniasis.
Leishmaniasis is a disease that occurs when the dog gets stung by a small fly (not to get confused with mosquitos). The insect transmits a parasite into the blood of the dog.
It is to be found in the southern European countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece.
The parasite gets into the cells of the dog, and the symptoms will typically be lack of interest in food, fever off/on, hair loss around the eyes and fatigue. The disease is incurable.
In Denmark the disease is mostly seen in Greek dogs off the street who have come to Denmark and other dogs imported from the south.
The dog can get vaccinated against the disease with the vaccine CaniLeish produced by the company Virbac.
The vaccination must be prepared well ahead of the travel. The dog needs 3 injections with an interval of 3 weeks to get immunity. Then it will need annual re-vaccination to maintain immunity.
The dog must be at least 6 months before it gets vaccinated.
You should only vaccinate healthy dogs against Leishmaniasis. The dog needs a complete health check ahead of the vaccination.
If the dog has never been in the south, then the vaccination can be given without a problem.
If the dog has been in the south/or is under suspicion for having the disease, then it’s recommended that the dog is being tested with a blood sample before the vaccination is given.